L’Autre Collectif/Det Andre Kollektivet is a french and norwegian music collective established in 2021 with a purpose to unite two jazz scenes far away from each other, not so much in geographical distance as in working relations and collaborating musical projects. In the autumn of 2021 the collective hosted their first music festival focusing on only french and norwegian based musicians. They also founded the first edition of L’Autre Ensemble/Det Andre Ensemblet, a music ensemble as a means to create a meeting place where music can be shared, discussed and developed across country borders. Despite that the founders have a jazz background and relate to the so called jazz music scene, the festival has no restrictions on genres, and have previously hosted folk music, electronic music, contemporary, improvised and noise music (and more…). 

The founders of the collective are Clément Merienne, Hector Léna–Schroll, Sol Léna–Schroll and Sigrid Aftret.

Previous members: Nino Baleyte and Nicolas Zentz.

Current members: Andrine Erdal, Clément Merienne, Hector Léna–Schroll, Sol Léna–Schroll and Sigrid Aftret.

Membres of the Collective